It is probably the health issue that most people fear above all others and each case of dementia is a tragedy for the individual concerned and their loved ones. Whilst scientific advances are bringing us closer to effective treatments the incidence of dementia is actually rising. Aside from the personal tragedy involved this is proving to be a major burden on our healthcare services and the situation now looks set to get worse. Rather than hoping for a cure is there anything we can do to minimize our chances of falling prey to this terrible fate?
There is an old adage that nothing kills people quicker than retirement and sadly it is a true one but here in lies the clue to preventing the onset of dementia. Retirement all too often involves a sedentary lifestyle, a diminishing social life, and fewer challenges to the mind and it is these factors which play a huge role in a poor outcome.
The benefits of regular exercise are much documented but the emphasis is usually on the body. The truth is that exercise is just as crucial for keeping the brain healthy. You don’t need to run marathons as just a few hours of moderate exercise each week will do the trick and if you can complement this with something more rigorous occasionally all the better. Living the life of a couch potato is damaging people’s minds as well as their bodies.
The story is the same when it comes to our eating habits. A healthy diet is crucial to the brain but modern eating habits are problematic. Many people’s diets are high in fat, low in nutrients and loaded with convenience food and ready meals. We are unfit, piling on the pounds and damaging our minds into the bargain. Eating a high fiber diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoiding fatty foods and excessive salt can make all the difference and research has shown that Omega 3 has a vital role to play in preventing dementia. Eating fish is therefore crucial and the good news is that drinking tea and coffee appears to be beneficial too. It is not certain why these beverages have a positive effect but they do and that is good news for a coffee junkie like me!
It is vital to gain enough quality sleep and it really helps if you develop a regular sleep pattern. Sleep recharges the brain and reduces stress which is also a factor in the development of dementia. Being fatigued impairs your ability to think and to process information and your brain requires effective exercise which you cannot undertake if you are too tired.
Mental Exercise
Like the body, the brain needs a regular workout. Retirement can leave you with few challenges to undertake and so you must create your own stimulation. Social interaction really helps and you should join clubs and societies and maintain your hobbies and interests. Simple tasks to occupy the mind like crosswords, quizzes, Sudoku and even jigsaw puzzles can make a big difference. Use or lose it should be your motto!
Sally Stacey is a keen writer and business owner she divides her time between writing and running her retail business.
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